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Armor Bearers Ministry

Armor Bearers are not elected but are appointed by the Pastor from congregants who are in good standing, who are tithers, and who love the church and the Shepherd.

“The main function of one who is designated as an armor bearer is that of service . . . for the biblical armor bearer was much more than a hired hand. An armor bearer was a person who undoubtedly spent many years, if not one’s entire life, in the leader’s service.”

"David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, “ Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him."

                                          - I Samuel 16:21-22


Head Armor Bearer - Deacon Brannon Hester

Deacon James Smith

Brother Steve Boone

Brother Percy Stevens

Daughters of Destiny

We are excited to welcome you to the Daughters of Destiny. We offer a variety of activities and events. It is our desire to minister to all women. We meet on the second Saturday of each month and fellowship together on numerous outings.

Our mission is to strengthen and enlarge the Kingdom of God by challenging women into Christian leadership, encouraging them into ministry and equipping them to build believers, equip workers, multiply leaders and win the lost.

                 How? Through . . .
                  Intentional Relationships
                   Networking and Mutual Encouragement
                  Leadership Training

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  You are His masterpiece and you are perfect in His sight!


Reverend Kim Hargrave


New Members Ministry

The New Members classes teach you who you are in Christ and how to seek the Lord to find out what your true calling in Christ is. As a new member you are encouraged to consider what aspect of the ministry you would like to be involed in, once you have competed the New Members classes.

Just as each of us have one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function. so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.  Romans 12:4,5

New Converts Ministry

One of the most important things that a new convert needs is guidance. The second is to feel welcomed and wanted. This ministry is dedicated in doing both with the involvement of the entire congregation. All new converts go through six weeks of teaching and training to give them their basic needs as a new convert.


Verily i say to you, "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoevere therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." Matthew 18:3-5

Young Adult Ministry

Our singles ministry is structured to help our singles cope in today's society. With all the distractions that this world has to offer, we teach our single's how to deal with them using the Word of God.


"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Deut. 31:6

Dance Ministry

The dance ministry is a way for us to worship and praise the Lord through the temple that he gives us. We worship the Lord in spirit and in truth and praise him for the activity of our limbs. We honor the Lord with liturgical, mime, and flag dances through our youth and young adult dance ministries.

"Let them praise his name in the dance, let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and a harp." Psalm 149:3
Sis Geneice Phifer, Coordinator

Transportation Ministry

The transportation ministry helps those in need of a way to get to church, as well as helping to assist in transportating members to other church's for other services.


Sis. Bresis Mcdaniels - Coordinator

Ushers Ministry

The Ushers Ministry holds a big responsibility in and outside the church. Ushers see to it that each and every person that enters the sanctuary is attended to. As the Pastor goes to preach at other church's, ushers accompany him to give service to him as well as help the attending church's ushers.


... by love serve one another
Galatians 5:13

Christian Education Department

Persons are called, converted and committed to the educational ministry of the church under the mandate given by Jesus when he commanded His disciples, "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations." To achieve this end, educators who are involved in missions education, discipleship training, Bible teaching, and other instructional programs join together to share ideas, insights, and information, develop appropriate resources, and learn new strategies. In doing this, the vision that is set forth by our pastor is embraced by  encouraging the people of God to become centers of learning.

Outreach Ministry

Check the church calendar for times and places.


There will be music, food, clothing give-a-ways and the word of God.  Mark your calendars and come to help us lift up our community as we spread the word of God to all men!

Greeters Ministry

At Gospel Tabernacle we believe in making you feel welcome. Our Greeters Ministry will meet you as you enter with a cheerful smile and a blessed word.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry is a group of dedicated individuals that handle all Church related eating functions. They ensure that all setting arrangments, food, beverage, and menus are prepared to accommodate the congrigation and guest.

Missionary Ministry

The Missionary Ministry of Gospel Tabernacle UHC seeks to strengthen families by praying for them and with them and also supporting the weak and downtrodden. We do this by feeding the hungry, providing supplies for families in need, visiting the sick and shut in as well as the bereaved.

If you have a heart to serve and a desire to touch the community, please consider becoming a part of the Missionary Ministry. For more information, please contact us.

Men of Valour

Since the beginning of time God has placed a responsibility on men.We as men need to learn what our true calling and place is in this world. The Men of Valour does just that, it gives us the information we need to go forth as disciples and become the men in Christ that we should be.

The Men of Valour also sing as a choir, hold other positons in the church, and go out and evangilize in the community.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him;...
Genesis 1:27

Percy Stevens

Music Ministry

At Gospel Tabernacle UHC is home to some of the most talented and anointed men and women in this area.  The ministry of Music and fine arts is constantly changing and growing, appealing to a variety of age groups.  We believe in staying on the cutting edge of ministry by adapting the method with out compromising the message.

"And David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers with instruments of music, psalteries and harps and cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with joy."  -I Chronicles 15:16



The Vision for the Music Ministry

We strive to be a ministry who serves with a spirit of excellence. Humbly submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will aspire to create an awesome praise and worship experience for the purpose of reaching the lost.


Requirements for Music Ministry Volunteers
-Must be born again
-Completed a new members class
(Leadership Class for Praise & Worship)
-Must be teachable and submissive to delegated authority
-Must attend at least 2 pre-scheduled rehearsals before actually
ministering during a Worship Service
-Must be able to sing at least 2 Morning Worship Services &
2 evening services per month.
-Must be committed to Worshiping God both in and out of services.

Youth Ministry

 Let's face it, everyday our youth are faced with unimaginable peer pressure in school and on their jobs.  Our youth ministry provides a safe, Christian outlet where our youth can express themselves through positive interaction with their friends.  Every fourth Sunday of each month is Youth Sunday in which they get to preside, sing, do dramatic skits, etc.  Also once every quarter, on the fifth Saturday's we attend our Young Peoples Holiness Association (YPHA)  gathering.  This is were all the youth from all the churches in our district gather together and go on fellowship, go on outings and most of all, learn more about God.  So if you're in the Burlington area we invite you to any of our youth services and outings. 

Ushers Ministry

The Children's ministry offers child care during the morning services, teaching the children various bible stories. During Youth Sunday the children have the opportunity to perform what they have learned.


Sis. Sherita Garrison - Coordinator


"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for such is the Kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

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