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421 Fulton Street

Burlington NC 27217

Bishop Greg & First Lady Kim Hargrave

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In 1938 a small gathering of believers under the Unction of the Holy Spirit formed what is now known as the Gospel Tabernacle United Holy Church. The original founders Rev. J.C. Hayes and Mother Lorena Curry along with others met and dedicated the living room of Mother Curry’s home in Burlington NC as its meeting place. Several Brothers and Sisters were added in its early days. Fasting and praying was an intricate part of this dedicated group as thy asked for divine direction from God. Rev. Lake, pastor then of Ebenezer United Church of Christ was gracious to allow revivals to be held in their sanctuary. Later land was purchase and a “little wooden church on the hill” was built. Many would come from far and near to hear the songs of Zion like: “Stand by me Lord,” Amazing Grace.” He is the joy of My Salvation and “In the word of God I’ve got a hiding place” to name a few. This group of worshipers were known as the “Holy and Sanctified” Church. “Tarry” Services were conducted, and miracles were witnessed. Other were added to the church during this time of growth.


Later the church was destroyed by fire. The Saints were determined to hold on to God’s unchanging. They know that God would see them through. After the fire, the remnant group returned to the living room of Mother Curry and continued to have services. The Rev. O.P. Foster leased a house on gray street for services to be held. 

At the tender age of thirty-Three, God called the beloved Rev. J.C. Hayes from labor to reward. Rev. Hayes had always said to Mother Curry that they would “never have to worry about a pastor because if they came and was not right, they would not stay anyway.” Others who pastored Gospel Tabernacle were as follows:  District Elder Cobb, and Elder Burr. Others joined under their pastorate as the church continued to grow. After much prayer and fasting the Lord directed the rebuilding of the church. Mother Curry along with the saints and Mr. Harris of Harris Lumber Company were very instrumental in this effort. God favor was on the ministry as they had faith that God could do anything.

Later Job situations caused many of the Saints to relocated North, and many trials were encountered. There was even a time when the Church received an offer to purchase in order to convert the church to a dance hall. But thru it all Rev. C.S. Stroud, Pastor of St. Matthews AME Church stated he would make the church payments before he would allow that to happen. The Saints were again reminded “Upon this Rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”  

Bishop H.L. Fisher made his first visit to the church in the early 1940’s along with Bishop J.A. Forbes. In 1953 The Lord called Mother Curry home, and as the songwriter said: “May the works I’ve done speak for me.”  We will always remember mother Curry as she so unselfishly allowed services to be held in her home her memory will always be with us. A vision that she had was “blessed is the Tabernacle.”   This inscription is found in the vestibule entrance of our present sanctuary and or Twenty, One-Bedroom Apartment complex is named in honor of the founders. “Curry-Hayes Homes.”

In 1958, Rev. Bertha R. Cohen of Eden, NC was sent by District Elder R.D. Richardson to begin her pastorate at Gospel Tabernacle. Under her leadership the dining hall was erected, and she was known for her dedication in driving from Eden NC, toiling in prayer and teaching the word of God. Many other joined under her leadership. After serving Gospel Tabernacle for nine years, Rev. Cohen move to another area of God’s Vineyard. 

Rev. J.D. Wimbush became Pastor in the late 1960’s and God truly blessed during his nine years tenure. More souls were added. 

Other pastors who have served Gospel Tabernacle are Rev. James Thompson, Rev. Ruby Woodson, Rev. Lemuel Jones, Rev. Fred T. Jones Sr., Rev. Herman Long and Rev. Eugene Gant. 


In May 1985, the Western North Carolina District Convocation appointed our present Pastor Bishop Greg Hargrave. Initially this was to be a three-month supply, however the Lord had another plan and purpose. Three months has evolved into over 36 years. While Pastor Hargrave came to Gospel Tabernacle at the tender age of twenty-three, the Lord has done great things under his leadership. Several ministries and programs have been organized. Early in his tenure it became very obvious that the Lord had sent a visionary leader. While the accomplishments are numerous, we highlight the following: 

  • Purchased Six acres of land 1987

  • Constructed a new edifice 1996

  • Converted the previous sanctuary into a daycare center and after-school serving 75 Children Daily

  • Purchase three 15-passenger vans

  • Purchased four Houses 

  • Renovated the sanctuary

  • Constructed Curry Hayes Homes, Inc., a 20-unit apartment complex, for the elderly and disabled.

  • Purchased an additional 2.4 Acres of Land

  • Constructed a 2000 Sq. Ft. Daycare addition March 2007 along with renovations to the existing Fellowship Hall. 

  • Acquired 11 Acres of Land and presently constructing affordable Single-family Homes over 4-million-dollar project March 2020

  •  Current Capital Campaign to construct a new worship Center


The Vision continues with many other future projects to advance the Kingdom of the Lord. The congregation has grown form several remnant members in 1985 to over two hundred members today. The Church is yet pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God and working for that day to be caught up to meet him in the air. We are yet “Driven by the Vision.” 


Thank You for visiting the online home of Gospel Tabernacle UHCA.  Our mission is to be a loving, nurturing, and evangelical church; seeking to know the Lord Jesus Christ and to make Him known.  To evangelize, edify and equip.  To win the lost at any cost!


Burlington, NC 27217

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